The Ideal Time To Make An LPA
11th Dec 2017
You don’t have to be elderly to become incapable of making your own decisions. This can happen to anyone at any time. However, as we all become older we should be thinking more about what happens when we are unable to deal with our own affairs.
A Lasting Power of Attorney (LPA) enables you to appoint one or more persons who can then properly ensure that your needs are met in the event of you becoming mentally or physically unable to do so yourself. These decisions can be in regard to your property, finances, health and welfare.
In a perfect world every adult should make an LPA. As we reach retirement age and beyond, the need for assistance may become more prevalent.
Please remember that an LPA can only be drawn up when we are still able to make our own decisions. No one ever knows what is around the corner. This may therefore be the ideal time to look after your own future by making an LPA.
For details on how an LPA can help you and your family-contact our partner and head of Wills Probate + Tax Planning George Persson
Note: This article originally appeared in the Chew Valley Gazette December 2017 edition-see
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