Wills + Probate: Will provisions for pets
11th Dec 2024
Like many, I am an animal lover myself and often our pets are regarded as “part of the family”. However, the law has a slightly different approach and regards our pets as property. Pets are treated in the same way as a car or jewellery may be regarded within a Will.
Recent statistics show that around 57% of UK households own a pet. However, it is unclear if these people are aware of the consequences, should they not include a provision for their pets in their Wills?
Often, individuals will include a provision throughout the creation of their Will to protect their pet when they pass away. Whilst a pet is unable to receive an individual bequest, it is essential to ensure that your pet is provided for following your death. Your Executors should be aware of your wishes following your death and the care of your pet.
Who will look after my pet when I die?
It is important that you provide a provision within your Will to ensure your pet is looked after. In most cases, individuals will leave their pet as a gift to a family member or loved one. However, it is essential you discuss this aspect with the individual(s) first. Whilst you may think they would be content to care for your pet, such a task comes with large financial consequences. Therefore, it may be a sensible idea to select an alternative individual should the first be unable to act.
Financial assistance for your pet
As mentioned, pets are expensive and so it may be sensible to leave a sum of money directly to the individual looking after the pet. This will help ensure they are cared for to the right standard and also provides assistance to the individual who is taking care of the animal. Whilst you can express the wish that the money is used for the benefit of your pet, it is important to note that such an expression is not legally binding.
Charities and pets
In the event, you are unsure who would be able to care for your pet, there is the option of providing a provision for a charity to take care of them when you pass away. Charities such as the RSPCA and The Dogs Trust are trustworthy organisations who will be able to assist with the care of your pet should you wish.
If you have pets but don’t have a Will, talk to us for free
Whatever your age, a Will helps you plan for the worst. Making sure your pets will remain safe, warm and looked after once you have passed away is often a motivating factor for people to get a Will.
If you would like to discuss how a Will can help you to look after your pets when you are no longer able to, contact us via our website, telephone (01761 414646) or email (enquiries@th-law.co.uk) or come along to our Free Legal Advice Surgery, every Thursday between 5pm and 6pm here in Midsomer Norton.
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