Wills + Probate: Your Guide to Moving to a Care Home
30th Apr 2024
Moving at any stage of life, will inevitably present certain challenges both practically and personally. Perhaps even more so when this involves a move to a care home, which also initiates a change in lifestyle.
Your care home provider will be a valuable source of advice, in terms of what items you should bring, your specific needs and requirements, the home’s routine, registering with the local GP, etc.
From a practical perspective, you might find it useful to create a “to do list” in terms of which organisations to notify about the change of address and/or circumstance, for example:
Home Insurance
It is important to notify your home provider and any other insurance provider immediately, as restrictions might apply to your current cover. Failure to do so could invalidate your policy and cover.
Mail Re-direction
Considering setting up a mail re-direction with Royal Mail. Check with your local Post Office or via the Royal Mail website for further details.
Local Authority
Council Tax – check if an exemption or reduction applies.
Electoral Roll
Your Local Authority will update the voting record and confirm the options available in terms of voting, such as postal votes.
Your Local Authority can also update any other records maintained by them e.g. library memberships and pensioner’s bus pass.
Utility Providers
Services including, gas, water, electric. Where applicable, contact the provider with up-to-date meter readings.
If the new accommodation has a private line, it may be possible to transfer a telephone number. Check with your telephone provider and care home.
TV licence
You may need to cancel the licence if registered to your former home address, which is now unoccupied. Check with your care home provider, as often there is a communal TV licence already in place, which covers all residents.
- Where applicable, check the requirements of the DVLA in terms of any driving licence record.
- Ensure any vehicles are insured, SORN as appropriate.
Financial Organisations & Advisors
Notify all providers with whom you maintain any accounts, investments, pensions, shares, policies, credit cards, etc. Including banks, building societies, investment, and pension providers, etc. Also notify your professional advisors, e.g. Accountant, Solicitor, Financial Advisor, etc.
- Notify HMRC to update your tax records.
- Contact the DWP regarding any state pensions and/or your entitlement to any benefits.
- Magazines, newspapers, etc – you could re-direct any current subscriptions to the care home address.
- Charitable organisations e.g. National Trust membership.
- Food deliveries such as recipe subscriptions boxes and milk deliveries.
- Membership schemes e.g. supermarket loyalty cards
Choose who has the Power to assist with your affairs
Perhaps you have a loved one who is assisting with your affairs, or perhaps you are that loved one assisting a friend or family member. A Lasting Power of Attorney is an invaluable legal document where an individual (the “Donor”) appoints certain individuals (their “Attorneys”) to assist with their affairs.
A Lasting Power of Attorney also provides reassurance for the future, in the event you are no longer able to make decisions for yourself, you have appointed people you know and trust (your Attorneys) to make those decisions for you.
We are happy to meet with you, either here at our office, or at your home, guiding you through the options available, to meet your personal circumstances.
Where there’s a Will there’s a way
As with any change in circumstances, it is important to consider your wishes regarding your Will. Having a Will in place ensures your future wishes are carried out, providing peace of mind for you and security for your loved ones.
We pride ourselves on ensuring our Will service is tailored to you. Meeting with you to guide you through the decisions process to prepare and complete your Will in accordance with your instructions.
Ready to get in touch or want to find out more for free?
For further information please contact our Wills, Probate & Tax Planning Team on Tel: 01761 414 646 or e-mail: enquiries@th-law.co.uk
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