Will Month Fundraiser for Dogs Friends – £1520 raised!
07th Dec 2020
Legal Initiative Raises £1520 For Local Dog Charity – Will Month Fundraiser For Dogs Friends
We are delighted to announce that our Will Month Fundraiser for Dogs Friends raised £1520, thanks to so many local people making a will with us in October.
Back in the late summer, we decided our Charity of the Year, Dogs Friends would be the beneficiary of our Wills Month in October. Briefly, under this scheme, Thatcher + Hallam charge just £125 (plus VAT) for a single Will and £175 for a joint Will. We then donate the same amount (50% of the Will costs but exclusive of VAT) direct to Dogs Friends.
Laura Ablett is a solicitor and partner at Thatcher + Hallam and a specialist in the drafting of Wills.
‘We have never done anything like this with Dogs Friends before,’ says Laura. ‘We did not really know what to expect. However, once the publicity on the scheme started to spread, the allocated spaces available began to be quickly snapped up.’
‘We have only just finished calculating the exact amount raised in October and I am delighted to announce that we managed to raise the fantastic sum of £1,520 during our Will Month Fundraiser for Dogs Friends,’ adds Laura. ‘Like every other charity during the coronavirus, Dogs Friends has come under real financial pressure as many of the usual income streams were just no longer available to help them. If we are able to help such a great local charity such as Dogs Friends by organising something like our Wills Month, then we are extremely pleased to be able to do so. A huge ‘thank you’ must of course also be extended to our clients who participated in the scheme.’
The Chair of Dogs Friends is Rosemary Peacock.
‘We are enormously grateful to Thatcher + Hallam (and their clients!) for this donation,’ says Rosemary. ‘It will make a real difference to the charity in these difficult times. Most of our work is done by volunteers and support like this is really encouraging to them. Thank you very, very much.’
‘Our only regret is that because of the lockdown and social distancing, we are unable to physically deliver the cheque to the charity,’ adds Laura. ‘However, we have several other opportunities during the next few months when we will be able to carry out other initiatives and events raising money for Dogs Friends, such a really great organisation.’
To find out more about making a Will at Thatcher + Hallam click here or call us on 01761 414646. More information about Dogs Friends, including how to make a donation, can be found on their website.
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