Bite-size blog: What is a Cohabitation Agreement?
13th Jun 2023
There is no such thing as ‘Common law marriage’ if you are not married, no matter how long you and your partner have been together, your rights are restricted.
Contrary to belief, the term “Common law marriage” does not exist. You do not automatically have rights as married couples do, even if you have lived together for a long period of time and have children. The law does not provide the same protections or legal remedies for cohabiting couples as it does married couples.
You may however still have entitlements based on your contributions or on written or oral agreements between yourself and your partner.
If you live, or are planning to live with a partner but you are unmarried and/or never plan to marry, a co-habitation agreement would work for you.
At T+H, we can assist you in the preparation of a Cohabitation Agreement which will cover arrangements for your finances, property and children both while you live together and in the event your relationship should break down.
You can make a Cohabitation Agreement at any time. It is advisable to do so before you move in together, however you may want to consider one at a later date, if you decide to have children or take on a mortgage.
For a free initial no-obligation appointment to discuss cohabitation agreements and how we can help, come to our free legal advice surgery, call us on 01761 414646, email us or contact us through our website.
Alternatively, you can find out more about Cohabitation Agreements via the Citizens Advice Bureau.
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