The Coronavirus and Making your Will
27th Apr 2020
Laura Ablett is an experienced solicitor who is also a partner in the firm. She specialises in advising clients on the making of their Will. Since the outbreak of the coronavirus, she has however noted a marked change in public attitudes towards making a Will.
‘Even a couple of months ago people generally regarded the making of a Will as something that could be put off till another day,’ says Laura. ‘This was despite the fact that the consequences of not making a Will can be extremely damaging to surviving loved ones and family.’
The New Reality Check on Making Wills
‘All this has now changed,’ explains Laura. ‘A new reality check has kicked in. Suddenly, people are now having those difficult conversations on what should happen when they die. No one enjoys these conversations, but clients are now looking to ensure that their loved ones are properly looked after and are not put at risk when they die.’
‘Today, everyone is looking for certainty and the good news is that by making a Will, some certainty is created,’ adds Laura. ‘My colleagues and myself are very much open for business, operating our normal office hours although most of us are working remotely. The great news is that despite COVID-19 we have ensured that making a Will remains an easy and straightforward exercise.’
Same Level of Service
‘Whilst working remotely, we can provide exactly the same high level of service as before, by speaking to you over the telephone, or if you prefer directly by Zoom, Skype or video so that clients enjoy the benefit of a face to face meeting without having to leave their home,’ explains Laura.
Laura is keen to emphasise that all of the firm’s working practices strictly comply with the health requirements laid down by the government and The Law Society. There are formal requirements for the actual signing of a Will, but over the past few weeks this has been done through a window, on a car bonnet or even over a garden wall.
The Next Stop to Making a Will
‘The important thing is that we can sort it,’ says Laura. ‘These are really difficult and worrying times and for many of us all that we can do is paint, tidy the garden (if we are lucky enough) and generally try to put our house in order so that when some sense of normality returns, and it will, then we are ready. Anyone wanting to take things forward and make a Will can contact me on 01761 409312 or at Of course, I can always be contacted just to have a no obligation chat to see whether and how my firm can help.’
Find more details on making a Will
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