Radstock Museum Reopens
09th Jun 2021
Local attraction Radstock Museum open again
The team at Thatcher + Hallam is delighted to support Radstock Museum,which has reopened following a prolonged closure as a result of coronavirus.
Opening hours at the Museum
The museum will initially open on Wednesdays and Sundays from 2-5pm and on Saturdays from 11-5pm. Last entry to the museum will be 4.30pm. Access to some of the more interactive displays is still curtailed but there remains plenty to see and enjoy at the museum and each time we visit we learn something new!
Take advantage of our reopening offer at Radstock Museum
We are really pleased to be able to offer visitors to the museum over the next few weeks and months a discount for making simple wills, whether single (£99 +VAT) or double (£149 +VAT). Vouchers for this offer are available to museum visitors at the admissions desk. We hope this offer helps to attract more visitors to the museum, which is also waiving their admission fee until the end of August.
The Museum hopes to return to normal opening hours, with the reopening of the buffet too, from 6th July.
Please check the Radstock Museum website for all the latest information about opening times and what to expect when you visit – click here. Meanwhile, we wish our friends at the Museum the very best wishes for their reopening.
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