Michelle’s Big Jump For Dorothy House
19th May 2017
Huge congratulations are due to Michelle Jorden who summoned up the courage to jump out of a plane on a sky dive! Michelle’s father died in October of last year following a long battle with cancer. Dorothy House were (and indeed remain) incredibly supportive of the whole family and the sky dive was to help raise funds for the excellent work being carried out by Dorothy House.
Michelle, who is a member of our Wills Probate + Tax Planning team, describes the care provided by Dorothy House as ‘brilliant’. She also remains slightly incredulous as to how she gathered up the bravery to get on a plane for a sky dive.
‘I still can’t quite believe I have done it,’ says Michelle. ‘I am actually really scared of heights and I am not a person constantly looking for the next adrenaline rush. The free fall part of the jump was absolutely terrifying and this would stop me doing a sky dive again, but once the parachute opened the whole experience was magical, being able to see for so many miles. Next time I think I will probably choose a ride on a balloon!’
Michelle has so far raised more than £2,000 for the cause and for anyone wanting to contribute then the details of Michelle’s Just Giving page are as follows: https://www.justgiving.com/fundraising/Michelle-Jorden
In the meantime, here is a shot of Michelle all kitted out in the hangar before getting on the plane.
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