Living together – Cohabitation Agreements. What are they and when you will need one.
21st Nov 2022
A Cohabitation Agreement is a legal document between unmarried couples who are living together, or plan to live together. It sets out arrangements for finances, property, children and pets whilst you’re living together and what is to happen to these if you separate or die (together with a Will).
Generally you would make the agreement before you start to live together, but you can make one when you’ve been together for a while if for instance you want to get a mortgage or when you have children.
Reasons for a cohabitation agreement
Unlike married couples, or those in a Civil Partnership, cohabiting couples don’t automatically have rights, even if they’ve lived together for many years, or have children. This means that if there is no Agreement, and one partner dies, the surviving partner will not automatically inherit as survivorship rules usually do not apply to unmarried couples no matter how long they have been together or how much they own.
It is, therefore, extremely important to have a legal document which confirms the understanding and agreement of both parties as it makes it much more straightforward to divide up any financial assets, debts and property should the the relationship fail or one of the unmarried couple passes away.
Cohabitation Agreements generally cover (but are not limited to):
- Ownership of property
- Next of kin rights
- Deposit on your home
- What share of the mortgage or rent you will pay
- How household bills will be dealt with
- Bank accounts and money
- Life insurance
- Pensions
- Assets such as cars, furniture, other property, jewellery
- Payment of debts
- Pets
- How household bills will be dealt with
Contact us for a free appointment to find out more
If you would like more information about cohabitation agreements, please contact one of our friendly cohabitation lawyers for a free 30 minute no obligation quote and chat about how a Cohabitation Agreement may benefit your family.

Marion Fisher – Family Lawyer and Blog Author
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