
We have been awarded with the Lexcel practice management standard. This award is given only to practices that are able to demonstrate that they meet the highest management and customer care standards.

Lexcel is the practice management standard developed and accredited by the Law Society for the legal sector. In order to achieve this award we underwent rigourous independent assessment to make sure that we met the highest standards in areas such as client care, risk assessment and case management. These assessments are ongoing.

There is only a minority of law practices that have managed to achieve the Lexcel practice management standard. We are extremely proud that we have passed that test and been awarded Lexcel.

We have always thought and believed that we have provided a high quality service to all of our clients. Now you have the independent assurance from Lexcel that we do indeed provide what we have always aimed to give our clients-a high quality service. For more information about Lexcel then go towww.lawsocietyorg.uk/findingandusing