James Weller’s Skydive and Marathon raises £1,250.00 for We Hear You
05th Dec 2022
As part of Thatcher + Hallam’s annual Charity of the Year, designed to give back to local charitable causes and support local communities, over the COVID period we began our sponsorship of We Hear You (WHY). 2022 has been the first year since the lockdowns where we have truly been able to start fundraising in a meaningful way.
Why We Hear You?
WHY provides therapeutic support to children, families and friends of those suffering with cancer and other life-threatening conditions. This was especially important over the COVID period where loved ones had restricted access to those afflicted with illness. The sense of isolation we all felt during this time was only amplified for the critically ill and their families.
The mission of WHY one which is very close to my heart personally and for that reason I chose to represent the firm with their fundraising endeavours. WHY provided a wide array of options and late on a Friday afternoon when spirits were high I chose to do the Bath Half Marathon and a skydive. This was a shock come Monday morning.
I chose these options as I hoped my inability to run properly and fear of heights would boost the charitable donations. After a close call with heat stroke and exhaustion at the Bath Half and terrifying plunge from 10,000 feet with Go Skydive I can happily say that Thatcher + Hallam LLP has raised £1,250.00 and a further £250 by way of gift aid in support of WHY’s worthy cause.
What does the fundraising pay for?
The following are what the fundraising may be used for, and what it costs for various aspects of the Charity’s support functions within the community:-
- £5 pays for art materials for a child or young person receiving cancer counselling support
- £10 pays for essential room hire at the various venues where cancer counselling takes place
- £44 pays for a session of counselling for an adult either caring for a loved one who has cancer, or who has cancer themselves.
My future volunteering plans, and how everyone can support We Hear You
As our Charity of the Year Sponsorship continues I look forward to volunteering for We Hear You, just perhaps whilst my feet are firmly on the ground and where there are no half marathons involved!
There are plenty of volunteering opportunities with them for fundraising and helping them with their fundraising, such as assisting with running stalls, bucket collections at supermarkets and events, and even just simply setting up a direct debit for frequent donation.
Blog Author: James Weller
Personal Injury and Litigation Solicitor
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