Intestacy Rules Updated
29th Jan 2020
For spouses or civil partners of those who die intestate (ie without making a valid Will) there is some good news from the government this week. As from the 6th February the statutory legacy for spouses and civil partners of people who die intestate is increased from £250,000 to £270,000.
Laura Ablett is one of our specialist Wills Probate and Tax Planning solicitors. She is also one of the partners in the firm.
‘This development is welcome,’ says Laura. ‘However, it does not hide the fact that not making a Will can bring about a great deal of heartache and hurt to those left behind. Regretfully, many people have no idea that under our current intestacy laws, unmarried partners and close friends cannot inherit.’
‘The lesson from all this is to make a Will, so that there is certainty and no one is left to rely on intestacy laws’, adds Laura. ‘The cost is not great. The cost of not making a Will can be incalculable.’
Want to find out more from Laura about making a Will? Then contact her today on 01761 414646 or by email at
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