Family and Divorce: Attending a Family Court Hearing – what to expect and the appropriate etiquette
27th Nov 2024
Attending a Hearing can seem daunting, but our Family Team are here to help ensure the day runs as smoothly as possible. This will not only reduce your personal stress and anxiety but also from a practical point of view, assist the Court if you know what to expect and where you need to be.
Before the Hearing
Remote/In Person – with the advancement of technology, many Hearings can now take place via MS Teams, Zoom or CVP. This allows much more flexibility not just for the Courts but also for our clients. Without the need to attend Court in person, you minimise the chances of traffic or public transport implications.
If your Hearing is remote, you still need to be prepared. The link for the Hearing will be sent to you ahead of the day, it is vital you ensure this works properly. Alternatively, you may wish to join your Solicitor/Barrister at their offices to complete the Hearing together. Note: You should always complete the Hearing in a remote setting to ensure confidentiality.
During the Hearing/Court room etiquette
What to wear?
Whilst there is no formal dresswear for a courtroom, first impressions count and so it is our recommendation that you wear appropriate formal clothing. Avoid sportswear and trainers, a smart dress or shirt and trousers would be appropriate.
What time to arrive?
Punctuality is essential! Before your Hearing, check with your Solicitor to confirm the time you should be present at Court. Often, parties are required to attend an hour before the Hearing commences to take part in what is known as “Pre-hearing discussions” with their Barrister/Solicitor. If attending Court in person, you will need to enter via security so need to ensure you leave enough time before the Hearing is due to commence.
Mobile phones
Your mobile phone should be turned off or on silent during the Hearing. The Court will record the Hearing as necessary, however, you SHOULD NOT. You may be found guilty of contempt of Court if you record any aspect of the Hearing and charged accordingly.
On the day of the Hearing, you will have the legal support of either your Solicitor or Barrister if so instructed. However, you can also have the support of family/friends should you wish. Whilst your support network will be able to comfort you throughout the process, they will not be able to enter the Courtroom with you.
How to act?
It is important you act respectfully in Court. Do not interrupt the Judge when they are speaking or become aggressive or raise your voice, even if you are frustrated or displeased. The main aim of the Judge is to ensure the best outcome is achieved based on each different family scenario.
We are here to help you though difficult times
Our Family Team at Thatcher + Hallam are always here to assist should you require any further information, or you simply wish to discuss your Hearing further.
We understand Court is a daunting and stressful process and we want to ensure our clients are put at ease and are aware of their expectations. If you have been served with notice of court proceedings and wish to discuss this further, please contact us on 01761 414646 and ask to speak to a member of our family department.
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