COVID-19: Help for Landlords and Tenants
25th Mar 2020
We have now set up an advice helpline service to both commercial property landlords and tenants whose businesses are facing a significant impact as a result of the COVID-19 virus.
Lucy Ingram is one of our solicitors and partner at the firm.
‘All of the businesses that I speak to both here in Midsomer Norton and in the surrounding areas are of course concerned at what is happening as the situation changes on a daily basis. Things are moving very quickly, including yesterday’s government announcement regarding missed rental payments. Everyone with commercial premises or a business lease is worried at what might happen.’
‘This is why my colleague Sarah Gratton and myself have ensured that we are available by telephone to both landlords and tenants, ’adds Lucy. ‘All they have to do is call us on 01761 414646 and ask for Lucy Ingram or Sarah Gratton in the commercial property team when we will then be able to provide initial practical advice over the telephone on an informal and confidential basis on what sort of options may be available to protect the business into the future.’
Thatcher + Hallam this year celebrate their 250th year and are proud of their record of supporting the community, including the local business community.
‘This really is a time for all of us to start pulling together,’ says Lucy. ‘By offering practical solutions to both landlord and tenant, that is the very least that we can do to help.’
As well as telephoning Lucy direct on 01761 409337, further information is available at
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