Dog charity donation made in time for Christmas
04th Jan 2021
Dog charity donation delivered in time for Christmas
We have continued our Christmas tradition of making a dog charity donation by delivering food to a local animal charity. The team at Thatcher + Hallam collects dog food and treat donations for several weeks in the lead up to Christmas and this year the collection was donated to their Charity of the Year, Dogs Friends.
Organiser Julia Williams works in the Private Client team here at Thatcher + Hallam.
“It’s safe to say we are a team of animal lovers here and so every Christmas we like to try and do what we can to support a local animal charity. This is the fifth year we have done this and it’s enormously rewarding to be able to deliver a car boot full of food and treats, especially so this year when charities have faced a really challenging year for fundraising.”
Who are Dogs Friends?
Dogs Friends is a local charity, based in Somerset, which focuses on finding better homes for previously unwanted and unloved dogs. They help around 200 dogs a year. They are the Thatcher + Hallam charity of the year, hence the dog charity donation being made to them this year.
Chair of the charity, Rose Peacock, said, “Many of our dogs are in foster care and so the donation from the team at Thatcher + Hallam means we’ve been able to support our foster carers and the dogs they are looking after with an extra gift of food this festive season. This has come at the end of a year when our usual fundraising efforts have been hugely affected by coronavirus and we are enormously grateful for this support.”
You can find out more about the work that Dog Friends do on their website here.
Our photo shows Michelle Deane of Thatcher + Hallam, with the car boot full of donations presented to a Dogs Friends volunteer just before Christmas 2020.
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