A Lasting Power of Attorney: How it can help your family
04th May 2020
Suddenly, the phrase ‘You never know what is around the corner’ has acquired a new and far more urgent meaning. All of us now know exactly what came around the corner at the beginning of March as all our old assumptions and certainties went out of the window.
Gone are the days when many of us used to find any excuse to put off making a Will. The coronavirus pandemic has brought home a new reality check as we have all become more anxious on how to make arrangements to best secure the future of both themselves and our family.
Gemma Norris joined Thatcher + Hallam from a leading Bath practice last year and as a Probate Executive is now a key member of the firm’s Wills Probate and Tax Planning team. Gemma reports that it is not just Wills that clients want help with. As the lockdown has extended in length, increasingly clients are now asking about making a Lasting Power of Attorney.
‘You don’t have to be elderly to become incapable of making your own decisions,’ says Gemma. ‘This can happen to anyone at any time. However, it is at times like this that all of us start to consider what happens when we are no longer able to deal with our own affairs. A Lasting Power of Attorney enables you to appoint one or more persons as attorneys who can then properly ensure that your needs are met in the event of you becoming mentally or physically unable of doing so yourself. Once appointed, the attorneys can then start making decisions with regard to your property, business affairs, finances, health and welfare. It is an extremely powerful and important document.’
Gemma points out that the consequences of losing capacity before appointing an Attorney to manage your affairs can be particularly serious.
‘In these circumstances an application to the Court of Protection may be required to appoint someone (called a Deputy) who is then given the authority to look after your affairs,’ explains Gemma. ‘This process is not only time consuming and complicated, it is also considerably more expensive. Additionally, it is the Court of protection that has the ultimate decision in terms of who is appointed.’
‘The advice from my colleagues and myself is unequivocal,’ adds Gemma.’ Everyone should consider making not only a Will but also a lasting Power of Attorney. If the past couple of months has proved anything, it is that none of us knows what is around the corner. The world is now a very uncertain place. Like the making of a Will, a Lasting Power of Attorney can at least restore some certainty and reassurance to our loved ones and family.’
Gemma warns however that a Lasting Power of Attorney (or indeed a Will) can only be drawn up when we are still able to make our own decisions.
‘Now is the time to act,’ says Gemma. ‘Getting a Will or a Lasting Power of Attorney arranged is easy, affordable and straightforward. Even during COVID-19, by using smart technology and imagination we can get over the practical problems of signatures etc. without compromising the health and wellbeing of our clients or ourselves. To find out more about making a Will or Lasting Power of Attorney just click on this link here https://th-law.co.uk/for-people/wills-probate-tax-planning/ . We are working normal office hours here at Thatcher + Hallam.’
Gemma can also be contacted direct at her office number of 01761 409353 or on gnorris@th-law.co.uk. Gemma and her colleagues are always more than happy to speak to anyone on an informal and ‘no obligation’ basis.
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