9 out of 10 Prefer..
06th Aug 20106th August 2010
Research commissioned by the Law Society and released this month reveals that 9 out of 10 people would recommend their solicitor to a friend.
Over 1000 people were questioned by the research company Gfk NOP. Of that sample, half said that they already had a solicitor and 90% of that number would recommend their solicitor to a friend.
‘This research covers the whole profession and it makes interesting reading,’ says Thatcher & Hallam LLP’s Managing Partner Grahame Macaulay. ‘This shows that there is clearly general confidence in those that come across and use the profession. However, my concern is that many firms will simply become complacent at looking at these survey results and think that everything in the garden is rosy.’
Thatcher & Hallam LLP have for many years surveyed all of their clients on the quality of service provided and what suggested improvement can be made. Additionally, every visitor to the firm is now invited to give an informal feedback on the firm.
‘We are consistently listening to what our clients want,’ adds Grahame. ‘We have survived and thrived because we have listened to our clients and how they think we can improve our service to them. This is 2010 and quite rightly clients demand a quality of service using the best technology and communications that reflect their changing lifestyle.’
Thatcher & Hallam LLP will be collating and reviewing their own research and client feedback later this year.
‘I will be disappointed if we find that the satisfaction level of our clients does not approach 100%,’ concludes Grahame. ‘Brands such as Marks & Spencer remain successful because they never cease to listen to what their customers actually want. We have earned our reputation as solicitors of choice by listening and responding to the people that walk through our doors.’
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