850,000 Reasons To Make An LPA
23rd Oct 2018
There is obvious sense in making a Will. We are then able to make sure that when we die we have made things a great deal easier for our loved ones that we leave behind. We are also making sure that the right things go to the right people.
But why do my colleagues and I keep going on about why making a Lasting Power of Attorney is so important?
The Lasting Power of Attorney (LPA) is an extremely powerful document that gives other people the power to act on our behalf when we are no longer able to make decisions for ourselves. No one ever knows what is round the corner, so as well as making a Will it is always a sensible step for anyone to make a LPA.
However, there is one development that has put the Lasting Power of Attorney firmly into the headlines: dementia.
Dementia is not an actual disease itself, but is a progressive disorder with symptoms such as memory loss that affect the brain. For more details visit the excellent Alzheimer’s Society website at www.alzheimers.org.uk. According to the Society, today there are 850,000 people in the UK affected by the condition, with the figure increasing to one million by 2025. 225,000 people will develop dementia this year. One in six of our population over 80 already have dementia.
With these sort of figures, it is no wonder why making an LPA is seen as so important. Once we have lost the ability to make decisions for ourselves, it is then too late to make ab LPA or even our own Will.
In my next Blogs I will be looking in detail at the 2 different types of LPA available. I will also be explaining what happens when it is too late to make an LPA. In the meantime, there are 850,000 very good reason why you should start sorting out an LPA for yourself today.
For more details just visit the Thatcher + Hallam website page at http://th-law.co.uk/for-people/wills-probate-tax-planning/lasting-powers-of-attorney/
Alternatively, give my colleague George Persson or myself a call on 01761 414646 to arrange a free first interview either at our offices here at Island House (free client parking is available) or even at your home if that is more convenient. At our initial interview we shall explain our fixed fee system so that financially you will know exactly where you stand.
Until next time!
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